Fall Car Maintenance Tips

Fall Car Maintenance Tips

October is Fall Car Care Month

  1. As the weather slowly begins to cool and the leaves begin to dazzle us with their brilliant colors, it can be a beautiful sight. Many of us like to take the time to enjoy this wonderful weather by hiking, hunting, or even prepping the yard for the winter months ahead. However, one thing that should also be on top of mind is preparing our vehicles for winter. Joey understands this and can help you get your car conditioned for the months ahead. 

Check List For Fall Car Care

To prepare for the colder months, we have prepared a checklist of things that you may want to have replaced or changed out before winter closes in on us. If you are an avid DIY person, always remember to check the owner’s manual of your vehicle to ensure you use the right products and perform the maintenance in the time frame they recommend. However, if digging under the hood, rotating or changing tires, and examining batteries is something you either prefer not to tackle or just don’t feel comfortable doing, give us a call, and we’ll help get you ready for the next season.

  • Oil Change: Oil is like the very blood that runs through your car’s system. As temperatures lower, the viscosity of oil gets thicker and cannot perform as easily as in the warmer months. Using a different weight of oil during colder months can significantly improve the engine’s performance. Joey’s Automotive knows which weight to use during the upcoming months and can change it out for you. 
  • Battery and It’s Connections: Over time, battery connections can develop corrosion. Ensure they are clean, free of dirt, and fastened down tightly.
  • Tire Tread: Just as you wouldn’t walk out in the snow with sandals on your feet, you also don’t want to drive up the road with tires that are showing signs of wear or are not properly inflated for the temperature. 
  • Brakes: Your vehicle’s brakes should be inspected at least twice a year. With colder months on the horizon, you want to know that your brakes are in good working order before hitting the snowy or icy roads ahead. 
  • Engine Coolant:  Engine coolant not only keeps the engine cool, it also lubricates the moving parts and prevents the rubber seals from cracking and keeps liquids from freezing. 
  • Wiper Blades: If your blades are beginning to leave marks on your windshield, now is the time to change them. Snow and rain can freeze to your windshield and if not correctly removed, any streaks left behind can limit your ability to see clearly, like perhaps a deer about to jump across the road. 
  • Wiper Fluid: This is also an excellent time to ensure the wiper fluid is manufactured for freezing temperatures. There are several great products available that include the ability to prevent ice from building up on your windshield when driving through snow sleet, and ice. 
  • Wash Your Car: As beautiful as the autumn leaves look, they can cause damage to both the paint and certain systems of your vehicle. When leaves are damp they can leach acid out onto your vehicles paint, but even more seriously they can clog up the air intake and possibly damage the heating or engine system. 
  • Emergency Kit: Even after ensuring everything is in great shape for the months ahead, keeping an emergency kit on hand is always advisable. These are great for helping you stay safe should something cause you to be stranded. For ideas on what to keep in your emergency kit, check out our quick list here.