Tips For Making A Vehicle Emergency Kit

Tips For Making A Vehicle Emergency Kit

Tips For Making A Vehicle Emergency Kit

 At Joey’s Body Shop we care about you and want you to be safe during the winter months. Even after ensuring your car is in shape for the months ahead, it is always advisable to keep an emergency kit on hand. Below is a list of a few things you may want to keep in your car. 

  1. Jumper Cables
  2. Small Shovel
  3. Bag of Sand
  4. Tow Rope
  5. Triangles
  6. Flares
  7. Jumper Cables
  8. Windshield De-Icer
  9. Snacks (protein and energy bars)
  10. Bottles of water
  11. Blanket, for each member in the vehicle
  12. Pocket warmers
  13. Flashlights
  14. Spare batteries
  15. First Aid Kit
  16. Power bank (fully charged)

Keep snacks in a sealed container so that hungry little critters don’t decide to enjoy them first! For those who have little tykes still in diapers; carrying along a few plastic zippered baggies just in case things get a bit wet, will keep your vehicle smelling fresh, and your little ones content.  

Remember, if you’re stranded, call Joey’s Automotive for 24-hour towing services.