Safety Tips For Sharing The Road With Farm Tractors
Picture courtesy of pexels-andrea-piacquadio-

Safety Tips For Sharing The Road With Farm Tractors

Safety Tips For Sharing The Road With Farm Tractors

Farm tractor on road
Picture courtesy of pexels-andrea-piacquadio-

It’s that time of year again! Forsythias and Tulips are in bloom. The Robins have arrived with a flutter of activity. And the fragrance of newly turned dirt and fertilizer flows through our car windows as our local farmers begin their spring planting. Okay, maybe we don’t appreciate the odor of fertilizers, but if we want to eat and enjoy a bountiful harvest we have to give a little.

Which is why we at Joey’s Automotive in Chestertown, Maryland want to remind all our customers, family and friends of a few tips to get through this season safely and with the least amount of tension while our local farmers are sharing the roads with us.

Here are just a few tips to help keep us on time and safe.

Add Some Fudge Time

Living in rural counties like Kent and Queen Anne can sometimes mean you’re stuck on a winding road with double lines and just a few spots of passing zones. This leads to longer drive times and can raise stress levels.

If you add an additional 15-20 minutes for drive time to your schedule, you can breathe easier knowing that if you do get stuck behind a tractor without a safe way to pass, you’ll still arrive at your destination on time.

Space Equals Safe

When you come upon a farm tractor, slow down and leave enough space between it and your own vehicle. Remember, the tractor may be larger, but it has more blind spots, especially when a vehicle is too close to be reflected in their mirrors.

If you can’t see their side mirrors, they can’t see you.

Watch For Turn Signals

Turn signals are a way to communicate to other drivers our intentions. If the tractor is about to turn off, give him space to do so safely. Farm tractors need to make wide turns, especially when hauling heavy equipment. Please don’t try to pass him while he’s about to turn. That could create a dangerous situation for all concerned.

Safe Passing Techniques

We all know the basic rules of passing another vehicle, but sometimes it’s good to remember the basics of passing large farm tractors. Below are just a few tips to keep in mind during this season.


  1. Always wait for a safe passing zone. Those double lines are there for a purpose: to keep drivers safe.
  2. When you are sure it’s safe to pass, leave plenty of space between you and the tractor while passing and reentering his lane. Remember, some of our scenic back roads don’t have large shoulders to swerve onto if the need should arise.
  3. Don’t forget to use your blinkers. Communication can make your drive much more pleasant for everyone on the road.
  4. Keep a steady speed. Once you’ve passed the tractor, don’t slow down abruptly. Slowing down immediately upon reentering the lane can cause the tractor to swerve in an attempt to avoid hitting your vehicle, which could cause them to veer off the road.  
  5. Patience literally is a virtue. Remember, our farmers are working hard to feed us. Driving those tractors takes time and effort. If we take the time to leave a little earlier and show courtesy and patience, we’ll arrive at our destination with a little less stress.

We at Joey’s Automotive of Chestertown, Maryland love maintaining our customers’ and friends’ vehicles. When you’re ready for a spring tune-up, we’ll be here to keep your vehicle in great running condition. Whether you need a simple oil change, new tires, or even just help replacing the signal lights, we are there for you. Because at Joey’s the important thing to us is that you and your family are safe.